The Electric Fountain Vault 2004-2006

The first phase of the project was to document the existing conditions of the Electric Fountain.

All photographs on this page © 2006 by Larry Kerecman. Do not reproduce without permission.

The center of the fountain deck after a thorough cleaning. The distribution pipes seen in the foreground of this photo made movement around the fountain deck very difficult. They were moved to inside the fountain vault in the design for the 2008 fountain.
The south "wing" of the vault interior. Wood and steel cribbing were installed to prevent a cave-in of the walls.
The main manifold. The electric valves (with the yellow hand wheels) replaced the original pneumatically operated valves during a rebuild of the fountain controls (date unknown). They were very slow in operation compared to the pneumatically operated valves.
One of the light funnels showing the results of years of leakage.
The plumbing for the center geyser went through the middle of the glass at the top of the light funnel.
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©2006-2025 by Larry Kerecman, Friends of the Electric Fountain
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