Warning: Undefined array key "c" in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/fountain_photographs.php on line 4
Friends of the Electric Fountain - Photo Gallery

Electric Fountain Photo Gallery

All photographs on this site remain the property of the respective photographers, all rights are reserved. Please do not duplicate or re-use without express permission from the Friends of the Electric Fountain.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getMatchingRecords() on null in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/class.owms.inc:2302 Stack trace: #0 /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/fountain_photographs.php(62): owms->LoadRecordset('status == '1' o...') #1 {main} thrown in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/class.owms.inc on line 2302
The Electric Fountain By Day

Warning: Undefined variable $orderby in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/qdb_mod.inc on line 325

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/qdb_mod.inc on line 1249

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/qdb_mod.inc on line 1249
"daynight" is not a field in table "" (at line: 1247 in function: _parseSQL)
"gallery" is not a field in table "" (at line: 1247 in function: _parseSQL)
currently 0 photos
The Electric Fountain At Night

Warning: Undefined variable $orderby in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/qdb_mod.inc on line 325

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/qdb_mod.inc on line 1249

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/qdb_mod.inc on line 1249
"daynight" is not a field in table "" (at line: 1247 in function: _parseSQL)
"gallery" is not a field in table "" (at line: 1247 in function: _parseSQL)
"daynight" is not a field in table "" (at line: 1247 in function: _parseSQL)
"gallery" is not a field in table "" (at line: 1247 in function: _parseSQL)
currently 0 photos