Electric Fountain Water Features

The Electric Fountain has twelve individual water features, each creating a distinct shape. The water manifolds (supply pipes) that hold the individual nozzles are in an interlocking labyrinth of plumbing on the fountain vault deck. The drawing below (designed by Hobbs Architectural Fountains) is the layout for the new fountain, including the light clusters that emulate the original Darlington lighting system. The only real change from the original fountain manifold layout was to move the vault access hatch from inside the outer spray ring to a location on the southeast corner of the vault. (North is to the right on this drawing.)

Center "Old Faithful" Geyser
Ring of Six
Middle Spray Ring
Outer Spray Ring
Place your cursor over the feature names below to see more information.
Hourglass Rings
At each of the ten perimeter hourglass ring locations, there are three additional features:
Great Arch
Light Cluster Arches
Incandescent Light Fixtures
LED Clusters

At the eleven locations where the original Darlington light funnels were placed are the "hourglass" rings. The nozzles have both a radial and an inward angle to create the basket weave effect known as "Sheaves of Wheat" and "Giant Vases" on the original fountain.

The drawing to the right shows the 90-foot tall "Old Faithful" center geyser, the center cluster of six nozzles and the middle spray ring in operation. This is just one of many combinations of nozzle groups that can be run at the same time for dramatic water displays. (Drawing Credit: RMH Group)

A drawing showing the middle spray ring operating at two different heights.

The basket weave effect created by the nozzles on the north/south bars known as the Ribbon.

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©2006-2025 by Larry Kerecman, Friends of the Electric Fountain
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