Historic PostcardsPostcards of the Electric Fountain have been found with a cancellation date as early as October of 1908. Some of them appear to be illustrations and some are based on black and white photographs with coloring and artistic enhancements added in the studio. Based on the number of postcards that appear on eBay each month, the Electric Fountain was a very popular tourist draw. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getMatchingRecords() on null in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/class.owms.inc:2302 Stack trace: #0 /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/historic_postcards.php(37): owms->LoadRecordset('status == '1' o...') #1 {main} thrown in /home/lawker1/denverelectricfountain.org/admin/class.owms.inc on line 2302 |