Electric Fountain Vault Interior

All photographs on this page © 2008 by Larry Kerecman. Do not reproduce without permission.

Electric Fountain vault soon after it was constructed
A rare view inside the Electric Fountain vault soon after it was constructed, showing the pipes and flanges on the ceiling that will be connected to the water supply piping for the fountain. The ladder comes down through a submarine-style hatch from the deck of the fountain vault. The ceiling is 8-feet tall.
section feeding the center geyser nozzle
The section feeding the center geyser nozzle is the first to be installed and bolted to the floor.
custom-built stainless steel main manifold
Sections of the 16" custom-built stainless steel main manifold being prepared for installation.
16 inch main water distribution manifold
The 16" main water distribution manifold is an extension of the pipeline that runs from the pump room in the maintenance building, under the lake bed and into the north end of the vault. The light cream colored vertical pipe is the supply line to the center geyser nozzle, the only feature on the fountain that was hooked up and running during the summer of 2007.
main distribution manifold
The plumbing from the main distribution manifold in the vault to the fountain nozzle manifolds on the deck is completed in the summer of 2008. 3", 4" and 6" schedule 80 PVC pipe connects the manifold to the fountain nozzles through proportional-control valves operated by compressed air.
large pressure-relief valve
A large pressure-relief valve diverts water directly to the fountain deck if no nozzles are turned on. That keeps the water flowing from the pumps to the fountain vault at a constant rate and prevents water hammer in the pipes.
the long axis of the vault
Looking down the long axis of the vault.
the vault ventilation system
One half of the vault ventilation system. It is designed to withstand a flood in Ferril Lake.
Heavy-duty surge protection equipment
Heavy-duty surge protection equipment keeps the power in the fountain vault clean from spikes. The safety interlock control panel communicates information on the status of valves, fans and the sump pits back to the control room.
High efficiency DC power supplies
High efficiency DC power supplies (above) generate the 24-Volt power for the LED fountain lighting.
digital control cabinet
Only one pair of wires is needed to carry the digital control data from the control room to the fountain vault. The electronics in this cabinet translate that coded information into individual control signals for the 37 fountain valves, the two dimmer cabinets for the incandescent lights and the 116 individual tri-color LED fixtures.
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©2006-2025 by Larry Kerecman, Friends of the Electric Fountain
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